For he will deliver the needy who cry out, the afflicted who have no one to help. Psalm 72:12
The Arborfield church family are keenly aware of how God, our loving Father has helped us. We are eager to follow in his example and offer our help to those in need. There are many opportunities to serve, listed below are some we are focusing on as a church family. It would be wonderful if you could prayerfully consider if you could help with one (or more) of these organisations. You will need to sign up directly with the organisation and go through their safeguarding procedures. However if the people volunteering in the same organisation could be linked together to share stories and pray together it would be a great encouragement.
There may be people you are aware of who are in need or you may be need yourself. If there is any way we can help we would love to know.
So if any these apply:
Please do get in contact by sending an email to
Prison Fellowship's mission is to show Christ’s love to prisoners by coming alongside them and supporting them.
“When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?” “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” Matthew 25 39,40
There are opportunities to help by writing letters, enabling prisoners to send gifts to their loved ones, supporting the chaplain and more.
Please visit their website to find out more and to sign up Prison Fellowship
“The letters were a breath of fresh air to the prisoners – receiving something from people unknown to them, showing care.”John Brown (former prisoner chaplain).
CCA aim is to demonstrate God's love by meeting people's practical needs and restoring their self worth. In addition they offer support to their service users; helping them to learn new skills, rebuild their confidence and get into paid employment through volunteering at their shops.
CCA provides support for individuals and households in Reading who are in need of emergency furniture, bedding and kitchen items. They do this through recycling donations of furniture, clothing, bric-a-brac and household goods.
We have a monthly collection to contribute food, and items for their kitchen and bedding packs. We would love to have more people bringing these donations to CCA. If you are able to help with this please let us know by emailing
If you would like to volunteer for them directly they need volunteers to help serve in their shops, and to train as assessors in the Support Centres. Van drivers and able-bodied crew members are needed to collect and deliver furniture.
The following skills are always needed:
To find out more and sign up to serve please visit the volunteer page
The Coombes primary school is our local primary school. We are keen to support them in a number of ways including reading with children, making cakes for staff and buying Christmas presents on behalf of families who can't afford them . There are a number of people from our church serving as governors. The ministry team visit for weekly assemblies.
Copyright © 2025 Arborfield and Barkham Churches